
President Ueli Maurer on what's next for Europe Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1

29 Oct 2019

The speech by President Ueli Maurer at the Future Investment Initiative 2019 emphasized the importance of sustainable investment, technological advancements, and the role of direct democracy in ensuring solutions that are comprehensible and beneficial to the population. He highlighted Switzerland's commitment to sharing its experiences and learning from others in pursuit of sustainable development. President Maurer stressed the significance of risk management and the integration of new technologies, such as FinTech and blockchain, in ensuring the sustainability of financial products. He underscored the need for investments to be sustainable, inclusive of technological developments, and accepted by the population, while also emphasizing the importance of Switzerland's unique system of direct democracy as an "early warning system" for finding solutions that are understandable and accepted by the population.
Speakers: President Ueli Maurer

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - TECHNOLOGY - Sustainable Investment - Fintech - Risk Management - Direct Democracy - Switzerland's Commitment


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