
Whats next for digital health? Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1

29 Oct 2019

The discussion with Ali Parsa, founder and chief executive of Babylon Health, delves into the transformative potential of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), in revolutionizing healthcare. Parsa emphasizes the disparity in global healthcare accessibility and affordability, highlighting the need to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for all individuals. He discusses the practical applications of technology in healthcare, such as mobile consultations and AI-driven preliminary diagnoses, and underscores the importance of a balanced approach that accommodates individual preferences. The conversation also addresses the potential for AI to democratize healthcare by making it more accessible and affordable, while acknowledging the enduring value of human interaction in certain contexts. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the evolving landscape of digital health and the intersection of technology and humanity in healthcare delivery.
Moderator: Nik Gowing
Speakers: Dr. Ali Parsa

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - HEALTHCARE - AI in Healthcare - Accessibility - Affordability - Mobile Consultations - Democratization of Healthcare


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