Crypto connections with Fre?de?ric Chesnais
Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1
29 Oct 2019
Atari's Chief Executive and Chairman, Frdric Chesnais, envisions the company being more globally present and driven by blockchain technology in the next two to three years. He emphasizes the importance of online presence and blockchain for security. Chesnais highlights the demographic pressure and increasing demand for online work, particularly in regions like Africa, and the need to balance it with security concerns. He underlines the significance of cybersecurity in the cryptocurrency space and the public nature of blockchain in establishing trust and confidence in virtual currencies. Additionally, he discusses the potential of cryptocurrencies to empower individuals in regions with limited access to traditional banking services, enabling them to participate in online gaming and other activities. Looking ahead, Chesnais envisions Atari being more globally present and driven by blockchain technology, emphasizing the goal of making it accessible to a wider connected audience.
Speakers: Fr�d�ric Chesnais