
Prime Minister Modi and Ray Dalio discuss India Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1

29 Oct 2019

The discussion between Prime Minister Modi and Ray Dalio at the Future Investment Initiative 2019 covers a wide range of topics, including India's representation of all its people, the country's achievements in improving living standards, the importance of human capital and skill development, and the need for a rule-based global system. They also discuss the shift from a bipolar to a multipolar world, the impact of technology on jobs and wealth distribution, and the significance of healthy competition and development over expansion. The conversation emphasizes the need for collaboration, responsible use of resources, and the role of India in contributing to global welfare and progress.
Speakers: H.E. Narendra Modi,Ray Dalio

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Human Capital - Skill Development - Global System - Tech Jobs - Wealth Distribution


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