
What's next for biomedical research Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 2

30 Oct 2019

The discussion revolves around the transformative potential of gene therapy, particularly using CRISPR technology, in revolutionizing medicine. Sam Kulkarni, the CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics, highlights the rapid advancement in gene editing technology, its potential to fundamentally change the healthcare system, and its global implications. The technology has the capability to treat genetic diseases and cancer by altering genes at a molecular level, potentially offering one-time curative treatments. Kulkarni emphasizes the shift from chronic medication to one-time curative procedures, which could significantly impact the pharmaceutical industry's business model. Furthermore, the potential of gene therapy in alleviating the burden of genetic disorders on healthcare systems, particularly in regions with prevalent genetic diseases, is discussed. The conversation also touches on the potential of gene therapy to transform the healthcare landscape and its recognition by global leaders for its potential to transform humanity.
Speakers: Sam Kulkarni

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - HEALTHCARE - TECHNOLOGY - Gene Therapy - CRISPR Technology - One-Time Treatments - Healthcare System Shift - Cure for Genetic Disorders


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