
Data-driven media Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 2

30 Oct 2019

The discussion at the Future Investment Initiative 2019, Day 2, featured Bob Simons, the chairman and CEO of STX Entertainment. Simons highlighted STX Entertainment's innovative approach to disrupting the traditional entertainment business model, emphasizing the company's focus on minimizing costs while maximizing the impact of its productions. The company has achieved significant success in the domestic box office with reduced overhead and marketing spend compared to industry giants. Simons also emphasized the strategic utilization of globally branded stars with a strong fan base to cut through the noise in the media landscape. Additionally, the discussion shed light on the company's approach to leveraging technology and data to connect with consumers in a cost-effective manner and deliver premium content. Simons underlined the continued relevance of the theatrical experience and the enduring impact of box office success on the zeitgeist, despite the rise of streaming platforms. Overall, the dialogue underscored STX Entertainment's pioneering role in embracing data-driven insights, leveraging technology, and strategically aligning with evolving consumer preferences and industry trends to thrive in the ever-changing media landscape.
Moderator: Thomas Kolster
Speakers: Bob Simonds

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - ENTERTAINMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Business Model Innovation - Cost Management - Strategic Utilization - Consumer Connection - Streaming Platforms


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