
The rockstar companies of the future: Part three Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 3

31 Oct 2019

The discussion highlighted the success stories of visionary leaders E. Abuyeji and Raji Thomas, who have made significant impacts in the tech industry. Abuyeji emphasized the need to tap into African talent and provide opportunities, leading to the establishment of a program training young Africans in software development. Thomas elaborated on Sprinklr's role as a customer experience management platform, addressing the inadequacy of existing systems in engaging modern customers. Both speakers shed light on the challenges and potential of the Nigerian market in terms of human capital development and the need for investor commitment in nurturing talent. They also expressed their aspirations for the future, with Thomas emphasizing Sprinklr's goal to make customers happier and Abuyeji's hope to witness Africa's first unicorn in the next two years, highlighting the immense potential of African talent and inviting investors to participate in this journey.
Moderator: Edie Lush
Speakers: Iyinoluwa Aboyeji,Ragy Thomas

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - PHILANTHROPY - African Talent - Human Capital Development - Investor Commitment - Tech Industry Challenges - Market Potential


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