
Anand Mahindra on the interconnected outlook Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 3

31 Oct 2019

The discussion features Mr. Anand Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group India, at the Future Investment Initiative 2019, highlighting the interconnected outlook in the digital economy and the most exciting opportunities for global investors. Mr. Mahindra emphasizes the duality of investment opportunities, focusing on the rise of startup entrepreneurs disrupting industries through disaggregation, while also pointing to the consolidation opportunities as these startups monetize by selling out to larger competitors. He stresses the importance for investors to discern opportunities at both the disaggregated startup level and the value creation resulting from the consolidation of more mature industries. Additionally, he draws attention to the significant aging population and the potential in catering to the needs and aspirations of this demographic, advocating for a shift in focus towards the aged people's consumption and leisure preferences. Mr. Mahindra also expresses optimism for India's economic growth and discusses the global trade landscape, portraying India as a beneficiary of trade frictions and geopolitical tensions, particularly benefiting from bilateral negotiation regimes.
Moderator: Dr. Ayesha Khanna
Speakers: Anand Mahindra

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Digital Economy - Startup Disruption - Aging Population Market - Economic Growth - Global Trade Landscape


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