
Smart Cities Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 3

31 Oct 2019

The discussion on smart cities emphasized the need for socially responsible innovation to genuinely improve human life. It highlighted the importance of combining technological advancements with great government policies to create a balanced and functioning society. Enabling factors for smart cities, such as connectivity and 5G technology, were discussed, with a focus on their transformative potential in various aspects of life. The panelists stressed the significance of a human-centered approach and the pivotal role of data in smart city initiatives. The comprehensive approach to smart city initiatives was emphasized, with a focus on transportation, healthcare, public and private services, surveillance, and urbanization. The role of the private sector in driving efficiency and profitability, while also contributing to societal well-being, was also highlighted.
Speakers: Mohamed Alabbar,Nasser Sulaiman Al-Nasser

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Social Responsibility - Smart City Connectivity - Digital Transformation - Private Sector Efficiency - Societal Well-being


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