
Digital nations Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 3

31 Oct 2019

The discussion focused on Estonia's success as a digital nation, highlighting the country's approach to talent development, separating digitalization from politics, and the impact of various technologies on the future. Estonia's ability to connect talent virtually due to its challenging climate, the importance of separating digitalization from politics, and the need for collaboration between the public and private sectors were emphasized. Additionally, the conversation touched on the impact of technologies such as AI, cybersecurity, VR, AR, and FinTech, and the future competition between countries for virtual talent connection. Estonia's leadership in digital citizenship and the need for a strong relationship between the private sector and government in building a digital society were also discussed.
Moderator: Dr. Ayesha Khanna
Speakers: Taavi Kotka

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Digital Nation Success - Talent Development - Public-Private Collaboration - AI, Cybersecurity, and VR - Digital Society Leadership


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