
Digitized society Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 3

31 Oct 2019

Dr. Li Xu, CEO of SenseTime, emphasized the company's mission of bridging the gap between fundamental research and industrial use, particularly in big data and industry demands. SenseTime's globalization strategy involves expanding its market reach beyond China, leveraging its experience in smart city and fintech solutions. Dr. Li highlighted the importance of preparing data and developing a specific AI outlook for businesses, emphasizing the need for new business model innovation with AI as the core driver. He also stressed the significance of forming partnerships and ecosystems to achieve comprehensive solutions, acknowledging the pivotal role of leading AI companies in shaping ethical frameworks and regulations. SenseTime's product innovation is primarily driven by customer demand, accounting for 80% of its product development, with the remaining 20% focused on top-down, technology-driven breakthroughs. Dr. Li's insights shed light on the intersection of AI, business innovation, and ethical considerations, emphasizing the need for a forward-thinking approach to technology adoption, partnership formation, and regulatory frameworks.
Moderator: Dr. Ayesha Khanna
Speakers: Dr. Li Xu

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - AI and Big Data - Global Expansion - AI Business Models - Ethical AI Frameworks - AI-Driven Innovations


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