
Exponential growth (fintech future) - Future Investment Initiative 2018 - Day 1

23 Oct 2018

The discussion at the Future Investment Initiative 2018 focused on the exponential growth and disruptive potential of fintech in various industries, including banking. Panelists emphasized the need for organizations to fully embrace disruptive technologies and the importance of clear communication with customers. The impact of modern technologies on business models, privacy, and regulatory challenges were also highlighted. The panelists stressed the necessity for a strategic shift towards digitization and technology in the banking sector, while also acknowledging the importance of understanding and catering to the needs of the millennial workforce and future customers. The conversation underscored the interconnectedness of technology, regulation, culture, and customer-centric strategies in shaping the future of the financial and technology sectors. The imperative for a holistic and purpose-driven approach to technological advancement and business transformation was a key theme throughout the discussion.
Moderator: Adnan Hassan
Speakers: Khalid Al Rumaihi,Andrey Kostin,Ken Moelis,Rania Nashar,Badr Al-Olama

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