
Market drivers - Future Investment Initiative 2018 - Day 1

23 Oct 2018

The discussion highlighted the challenges and opportunities in global capital markets, emphasizing the need for transparency, engagement, and adaptation to market conditions. Panelists discussed the importance of reassuring global investors through market transformation, communication, and access to financial solutions. They also addressed the impact of index provider inclusion, currency issues, and the role of regional exchanges in complementing local markets. The evolving nature of investments, market reforms, and regional cooperation emerged as key themes, with a focus on the significance of regional alliances and the role of exchanges in shaping the future of capital markets. The panel provided valuable insights into strategies for addressing challenges and opportunities in the evolving global capital markets landscape.
Moderator: Cheng Lei
Speakers: Sarah Al Suhaimi,Thomas Lembong,Boon Chye Loh,Jeremy Weir

FII 2nd Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - INDUSTRY - Global Capital Markets - Transparency - Market Transformation - Financial Solutions - Regional Cooperation


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