Emerging markets - Future Investment Initiative 2018 - Day 2
24 Oct 2018
The discussion revolves around the impact of corruption in emerging markets, particularly in India, and the potential for growth in financial services and credit. It also emphasizes the importance of long-term investment perspectives, strategic partnerships, and the role of government in investment mandates. The panelists highlight the significance of transparency, governance, and evaluation of government in investment decisions in emerging markets. Additionally, the potential for long-term returns in sectors such as technology, biotechnology, and real estate in regions like India and southern China is emphasized. The role of sovereign wealth funds in influencing company makeup, board seats, and long-term investment perspectives is also discussed. Finally, the importance of compliance, diversity, and building enduring organizations is highlighted as crucial factors in shaping the future of global investment landscapes.
Moderator: Rachel Pether
Speakers: Eric Bergeson,Michael Maduell,Jim Breyer