
DAY1 - Uncharted: How investors are finding rewards in unexpected places

24 Oct 2017

The discussion revolves around unconventional investment opportunities, disruptions in various sectors, and the implications for the market. Panelists emphasize the need for innovative approaches to investments, particularly in disrupted industries such as media, healthcare, oil and gas, and retail. They highlight the challenges of attracting investors in a climate of high valuations and low interest rates. The conversation delves into the impact of disruption on various industries, particularly focusing on the retail and energy sectors. Panelists stress the importance of finding value in disrupted industries and the potential for higher returns in underappreciated areas such as angel investing and debt. Additionally, the discussion sheds light on the evolving nature of investments, emphasizing the need for adaptability in response to market dynamics and technological disruptions.
Moderator: John Defterios
Speakers: Antony Ressler,Ruigang Li,David Kassie,James Forese,Josh Friedman

FII 2nd Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Unconventional Investments - Market Disruption - Retail and Energy Sectors - Higher Returns - Adaptability


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