
Future Investment Initiative: Day 1 English Uncharted

24 Oct 2017

The discussion revolves around the impact of disruption in various sectors, including retail, healthcare, oil and gas, and technology. Panelists emphasize the need to identify areas of disruption to achieve higher returns and address the challenges and opportunities in unconventional investments. The conversation delves into the disruptive impact of technology, particularly blockchain, and its potential applications across industries. The panelists also discuss the transition from an oil-based economy and the geopolitical risks associated with it. Additionally, they highlight the need for adaptability in the face of disruption and the potential for higher returns in underappreciated sectors. The document provides valuable insights into the evolving investment landscape and the role of disruptive technologies in shaping various industries.
Moderator: John Defterios
Speakers: Antony Ressler,Ruigang Li,David Kassie,James Forese,Josh Friedman

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INVESTMENT - Sector Disruption - Blockchain Applications - Oil Economy Transition - Geopolitical Risks - Economic Adaptability


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