
Future Investment Initiative: Day 1 The Big Shift

24 Oct 2017

The discussion focused on the future of investments, emphasizing the need for attention, understanding, and partnership to address global economic challenges. Participants expressed the importance of long-term investments in technology, renewable energy, and the automotive industry to ensure competitiveness and sustainability. The session highlighted the impact of technological advancements on the global economy and the imperative of international cooperation to navigate future shifts effectively. Additionally, there was a strong emphasis on the need to invest in innovative solutions and sustainable practices to prepare for future challenges. The dialogue underscored the significance of forward-thinking strategies, international partnerships, and proactive measures to address challenges and seize opportunities in the evolving economic and technological landscape.
Moderator: Andrew Ross Sorkin
Speakers: Amin Nasser,David McCormick,Christine Lagarde,Larry Fink,Victor Chu,H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - SUSTAINABILITY - Future Investments - Renewable Energy - Automotive Industry - Technological Advancements - International Cooperation


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