
DAY2 - Capital Investments

25 Oct 2017

The discussion revolves around the evolving role of sovereign wealth funds, particularly in the context of Saudi Arabia. Panelists emphasize the increasing focus on commercial investments, governance, economic impact, and technology. They highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with infrastructure investments, emphasizing the need for disciplined investment guidelines and risk assessment. The conversation also delves into achieving investment returns, leveraging technology and innovation, and navigating the complexities of long-term investment horizons. The panelists collectively address the changing landscape of sovereign wealth funds, emphasizing the shift toward commercial investments that align with economic diversification goals. They stress the importance of balancing commercial investments with developmental objectives and navigating the evolving landscape of sovereign wealth funds.
Moderator: Erik Schatzker
Speakers: H.E. Khalid Al-Rumaihi,Jeffrey Jaensubhakij,Kirill Dmitriev,Khaldoon Al Mubarak,H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Sovereign Wealth Funds - Governance - Infrastructure Investments - Technological Innovation - Economic Diversification


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