
DAY2 - The new Africa: Expanding opportunities on the continent

25 Oct 2017

The discussion revolves around the economic potential and challenges in Africa, particularly focusing on the need for diversification, infrastructure development, and access to technology. The panelists emphasize the importance of leveraging Africa's commodities to attract capital for sustainable development and the role of the private sector in driving growth. They also highlight the significance of human capital development, education, and skills training, as well as the need for a stable regulatory and fiscal framework to attract investment. The conversation touches on the potential for the service sector, industrialization, and the role of the private sector in agriculture. Additionally, the discussion addresses the need for public-private partnerships, the impact of demographics on business opportunities, and the potential for energy sector privatization and renewable power.
Moderator: Zeinab Badawi
Speakers: Dongsheng Song,Shiv Vikram Khemka,Katherine Tweedie,Adewale Tinubu,Bob Diamond

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - INDUSTRY - African Economic Potential - Infrastructure Development - Human Capital Development - Private Sector Role - Public-Private Partnerships


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