
DAY2 - Black swans and white swans

25 Oct 2017

The discussion centered on the concept of "black swan" events and their potential impact on the financial markets, particularly in the context of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. Panelists emphasized the importance of economic and social reforms in reducing volatility and promoting stability. Transparency, predictability, and resilience were highlighted as key factors in navigating potential disruptions in the financial landscape. The role of central banks in maintaining market stability and the potential risks associated with geopolitical developments were also addressed. The session underscored the need for vigilance and readiness to navigate potential disruptions in the financial markets, while also emphasizing the significance of private sector partnerships and the importance of focusing on areas of competency.
Moderator: John Defterios
Speakers: Andrew Sillitoe,Mohamed El-Erian,Leon Black,H.E. Mohammed Al- Jadaan

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - SUSTAINABILITY - Financial Market Stability - Geopolitical Risks - Central Bank Roles - Economic Reforms - Private Sector Partnerships


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