
DAY2 - Partners For progress: How to build economy 2.0

25 Oct 2017

The discussion highlights the strong partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia in countering terrorist financing and promoting economic growth. It emphasizes the establishment of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center and the ambitious Vision 2030 reform program in Saudi Arabia. The reforms aim to modernize and diversify the economy, ensuring access to opportunities for all citizens. The document also underscores the importance of open markets, respect for private property, and the rule of law for thriving economies. Additionally, it mentions the comprehensive tax reform and financial regulatory review in the United States, aimed at sustained prosperity and stronger economic growth. The conversation also emphasizes the commitment to disrupting the finances and operations of terrorist organizations and rogue regimes through economic tools, intelligence, and financial measures.
Speakers: The Honorable Steven Mnuchin

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - INDUSTRY - Economic Modernization - Terrorist Financing - Vision 2030 - Open Markets - Regulatory Reforms


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