
DAY3 - Building the future

26 Oct 2017

The discussion revolves around the challenges and opportunities in infrastructure development, with a focus on the role of government leadership, private sector involvement, and the evolving landscape of infrastructure investments. The panelists emphasize the need for long-term vision, political stability, and the role of institutional capital in funding infrastructure projects. They also highlight the potential opportunities in various regions, such as the Middle East, India, and Saudi Arabia, and stress the importance of sophisticated policy frameworks for successful infrastructure development. The conversation underscores the significance of infrastructure investments in driving social and economic development, and the need for inclusive, forward-thinking approaches to infrastructure development. The panelists express enthusiasm for the future of infrastructure development and the potential for transformative outcomes.
Moderator: Yousef Gamal El-Din
Speakers: Raj Rao,Bruce Flatt,Brendan Bechtel

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - INDUSTRY - Infrastructure Development - Government Leadership - Institutional Capital - Regional Opportunities - Policy Frameworks


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