
DAY3 - Seeing around corners

26 Oct 2017

During a panel discussion on emerging technologies and their impact on society, the CEOs of major tech-related companies shared their insights. Rajiv Mishra from SoftBank Vision Fund emphasized the significance of processing power, data availability, software analysis, and telecom advancements in shaping the next decade. He also discussed the fund's focus on late-stage, scalable companies. Khalid Bivari of Saudi Telecom highlighted the evolution of telecom, from foundational technologies to disruptive systems like smart cities and voice-controlled interfaces, with a particular interest in the integration of computing devices with 5G. George Whitesides of Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company expressed excitement about the renaissance in space exploration, the reusability of space vehicles, and the potential of small satellites to provide space-based services to a broader audience. Dirk Hoek from Airbus Defense and Space discussed the digital transformation in aerospace, focusing on data-driven services and the development of new aircraft concepts for urban mobility. He underscored the role of digitalization in streamlining operations and reducing time to market. The panel also addressed the social and ethical implications of these technologies, including concerns about cybersecurity, privacy, and the need for effective regulation to manage rapid technological change. They acknowledged the potential benefits in various sectors such as healthcare, communication, transportation, and space exploration, while also considering the risks and challenges that come with these advancements.
Moderator: Wendell Wallach
Speakers: Dirk Hoke,Khaled Biyari,George Whitesides,Rajeev Misra

FII 1st Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Emerging Technologies - Processing Power - Space Exploration - Digital Transformation - Ethical Implications


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