
12 Jun 2024

In a dynamic discussion, the transformative potential of BRICS nations in digital trade was explored, emphasizing their growing economic influence and diverse digital landscapes. Marcos Urata, CEO of Sisibas, highlighted the strategic partnership between Brazil and Saudi Arabia, exemplified by the collaboration between Sisibas and TECA. This partnership has led to digital innovations like the Certificate of Origin service in Brazil, enhancing export processes and setting new industry standards. The conversation also touched on the broader benefits of digitalization, including regulatory streamlining, financial efficiencies, and logistical optimizations, which collectively improve product safety and reduce transaction costs, ultimately benefiting both businesses and consumers. Embracing cutting-edge technologies and maintaining speed in digital transformation were identified as crucial for countries to stay competitive in global trade.

Moderator: Talita Moreira
Speakers: Ayman Alfallaj,Marcos Urata

FII Priority Rio 2024 - Rio de Janeiro - TECHNOLOGY - INVESTMENT - Digital Transformation - Global Trade Standards - Strategic Partnerships - Export Process Innovation - Economic Growth Impact


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